Coffee shop for sale located in the busy center of Parramatta area
- Including 4 indoor tables and 4 outdoor tables
- Many white-collar workers and residents surrounding
- Located next to the court and police station, opposite to the 2 tallest buildings in Parramatta
- A 55-storey building is full of residents
- A 69-storey building is under construction with hundreds of blue-collar workers working everyday
- You can convert to a restaurant which will be potential as well.
- Cheap rent only $4300/month (GST included), revenue from $12,000 - $15,000/week
- Trading hours: 5.30am - 3pm, the new owner can extend time to increase income
- The current owner would like to retire so will sell at the best price
- Transfer price: $190.000, turn over more $700.000.
Contact for more details Ms Phuong 0420987388.